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20 October 2019 05:10 BST

Wrapping up a more than expected productive weekend at IndieWebCamp Brighton. Working micropub endpoint additions ☑️ Dark mode website theme live ☑️

20 October 2019 12:10 BST

Today I'm at IndieWebCamp Brighton hack day prepare for some random, meaningless test posts from my website as I stray from my main front-end capabilities and attempt to make significant live changes to my CMS back-end

People inside hacking at 68 Middle Street for IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019

14 October 2019 01:10 BST

Getting to grips with using TalkBack on Android. It's a very different way to navigate your touch screen but absolutely crucial in testing and experiencing how usable a website is for anyone with vision impairment

09 October 2019 05:10 BST

📢 No Homebrew Website Club London next week but don't miss out, get yourself on a train down to IndieWebCamp Brighton taking place on October 19th-20th

08 October 2019 02:10 BST

Adamant we're driving off this cliff edge now regardless but it's going to be all your fault if you keep offering to limit the damage when we crash

07 October 2019 05:10 BST

My technological solution for the Irish border can be implemented with just one line of CSS programming: .irish-border { border: 499km hidden }

07 October 2019 03:10 BST

Latest @Airbnb UI change ditches toggle menu and pushes the main website navigation for mobile to the bottom whilst hiding on downward scroll. Favourable location for large touch screens but only reappears on scrolling up so quite inaccessible 😕

screenshot of Airbnb website on mobile