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24 May 2019 08:05 BST

Piecing together meta details for eight years worth of meetups and conferences attended, lost to Lanyrd's shutdown but thankfully backed up to the Internet Archive

10 May 2019 05:05 BST

Searching through the back of the wardrobe for what to wear tomorrow. Think this one still just about fits me. #BCLXI

BarCamp London t-shirt

09 May 2019 11:05 BST

Brilliant night back @LondonCSS after a long hiatus. Credit to @freezydorito @cassiecodes @Teoli2003 and @oliverturner for super presented talks along with @ohhelloana and @oliverturner for organising!

07 May 2019 06:05 BST

Great to see upcoming Firefox Fenix on mobile moves the address bar within thumb reach: to the bottom of the screen.

06 May 2019 06:05 BST

Happy 25th Birthday to the Channel Tunnel! alas London is a 10 hour journey from Berlin by train so opted for this high-carbon emitting mode of transport ✈💨

04 May 2019 06:05 BST

Excellent first day sessions at IndieWebCamp Berlin with some extra attendees including the awesome @sonniesedge!