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23 March 2019 11:03 GMT

Nearer 2m on #PeoplesVoteMarch today. First time I've ever been out protesting. Nothing has mattered to me so much before than this and with it concern for family, friends, colleagues and other valued folks Brexit will impact on.

12 March 2019 10:03 GMT

Used to spend my lunch break @AlsagerSchool library pushing HTML pages to Geocities
19 years on made a career from the web.
Met @timberners_lee + @w3c folks.
Discovered, supporting communities @IndieWebCamp @codebar + beyond

Web30 #ForTheWeb

11 March 2019 07:03 GMT

Here's a visual metaphor for our current political situation utilising a photo I took from 12 years ago on a visit to Strasbourg.

03 March 2019 06:03 GMT

Dynamically filtering posts with @eleven_ty - such a quicker, tidier process after experiencing the hacks and code soup of conditional If statements used to write for Jekyll

28 February 2019 07:02 GMT

Tonight learning about the positive impact @WPandUP are having on supporting mental health challenges for people in the WordPress community #WPLDN