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30 September 2018 11:09 BST

There's always that unexplored spot to discover when visiting London outside of zone 1: this weekend found the Horniman Museum and Gardens

26 September 2018 08:09 BST

Split view/shrinking window size has been a standard feature in all major desktop OS for many years ..yet too many websites (Gmail included) still don't really get this responsive web thing, relying on browser sniffing instead.

21 September 2018 03:09 BST

Utterly ashamed of our country's government right now. Beyond embarrassing and can only apologies on their behalf to all my EU friends! 😢

08 September 2018 09:09 BST

Enduring the surround sound experience of multiple passengers live streaming uninterrupted football on tonight's #southeastern minus headphones.

08 September 2018 08:09 BST

As ever an excellent affordable event with great talks, attendees and inclusive approach. Cheers to all who made it happen #sotb18

08 September 2018 08:09 BST

Any solutions for recovering a Lenovo failing to boot (Preparing Automatic Repair) and deathly slow? Admittedly it's a 6 year old laptop little used anymore..

05 September 2018 10:09 BST you seem pretty obsessed with emailing me about last-minute hotel deals in Würzberg. Stayed there 1 night, 5 years ago. Since booked other hotels in other cities for longer stays. Maybe take another look at your nagbot algorithm?

23 August 2018 08:08 BST

Getting to the point of why web accessibility matters and what's being done to improve it. Two brilliant, faultless talks @a11ylondon tonight with @Horlix and @heydonworks

09 August 2018 02:08 BST

Searching for/Hoping there's a @trello shortcut command to automatically attach a quote of the comment being replied to when you hit Reply beneath a comment inside cards..