01 July 2018 06:07 BST
Sunday morning ride to Reigate and back via @Maisonduvelouk in a bearable 24℃ https://www.relive.cc/view/1673709705
Sunday morning ride to Reigate and back via @Maisonduvelouk in a bearable 24℃ https://www.relive.cc/view/1673709705
Made a start on Micropub an overview. ℹ️Next.. Implementation guides plus some examples of available CMS plugins for Micropub support https://indiewebguides.org/browse/micropub-overview/
Another productive evening at Homebrew Website Club London – looking into offline updates with ServiceWorkers and helping out @ohhelloana get setup with Jekyll Webmention support
Cranking on the IRC client
Homebrew Website Club LONDON tomorrow from 7pm at Proven Dough, Brick Lane
✏️ Webmention RSVP/Tito registration https://hwclondon.co.uk/meetups/20180627#register
Third flightless trip booked this year to mainland Europe 🚄🇪🇺 ..and since we're still to finalise a post-Brexit airspace agreement might as well get used to it.
Join us next Wednesday from 7pm at Proven Dough, Brick Lane for @HWCLondon
Updated data privacy info: https://hwclondon.co.uk/privacy.
✏️ Webmention RSVP/Tito registration https://hwclondon.co.uk/meetups/20180627#intro
Slides and links from my talk at @webstandards last night published https://calumryan.com/talks/redecentralising-the-web.pdf and on Speaker Deck https://speakerdeck.com/calumryan/re-decentralising-the-web #indieweb
Super talk on Web Push Notifications tonight @webstandards by @mazzimo_f #pwa
Another year, another visit to Ams
Awesome people, fantastic events and super location this time last week at #btconf, #indiewebcamp
Liking this city
#ovotourseries Stevenage
Young at heart my Nexus 5 now in its fifth year lives on. Not much capacity for today's CPU and storage hungry Android apps but enough for PWAs to fill their place.
This Bank Holiday diversion has all the fun of a theme park ride running full speed through the Goldstone tunnel jumping and swaying the carriage rather violently. @NetworkRail take note
At Gatwick: Is it a bird, is it a plane, is it a Thameslink? ..well not quite, it's a First Capital Connect! Same old @shitsignage
Hurry up all you lot with my data, if I don't hear from you before midnight I'm calling up the commissioner
My inbox resembles a best of drab love songs album: We hate goodbyes, Let's stay in touch, Sad to see you go, Hope this isn't goodbye, We miss you, Please don't leave us and many more...
The Rover SD1: a car I literally had nightmares about as a young kid because of its aggressive appearance
By 35 you should have compiled a long list of every "By 35..." inspired tweet and written a book scrutinising each and every statement in detail. Finally a concluding chapter stating your rounded judgement of what you should have done by 35.