03 June 2017 12:06 BST
Celebrating 4th @InktrapDesign birthday!
Celebrating 4th @InktrapDesign birthday!
HWC London back with @barryf ...and first time for @justinavery! #indieweb
Covfefe defined https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covfefe
In West London today? Checkout the new #BrunelDigital Degree Show @Bruneluni https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/brunel-digital-degree-show-2017-staff-students-tickets-34240162247
Transcript of Stephen Fry's The Way Ahead http://www.stephenfry.com/2017/05/the-way-ahead/
Indoorsy Bank Holiday running through Web tutorials
Across the Medway
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60) https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/05/devtools-release-notes
hosting Homebrew Website Club London 18:00-20:00 31/05
hosting Homebrew Website Club London 18:00-20:00 31/05 https://calumryan.com/event/hwc-20170531/
CC: @loopdouble @hotzeplotz @barryf @philnash @justinavery
What is the future of Front End Web Development? – @chriscoyier discusses https://css-tricks.com/future-front-end-web-development
Scott Jehl's presentation on Accessibility in a Responsive World https://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/accessibility-funka.html
A week full of events and meeting with inspirational people #btconf #nueww #indiewebcamp https://calumryan.com/blog/one-week-four-technology-events
Please easyJet just drop me off here, would save a couple of hours?
Roof top lunching in Munich
My roundup Evaluating Technology workshop last week with @adactio @tollwerk team + others https://calumryan.com/learning/evaluating-technology/ #nueww
Discussing Homebrew Website Clubs promotion with fellow Europe-wide organisers #indieweb
#IndieWebCamp Nuremberg intros getting underway
Pre #IndieWebCamp Nuremberg discussion + breakfast with @Sebsel