26 November 2021 09:11 GMT
Back after a long awaited, much needed trip abroad to remind me why the EU is such a great place to visit and live in, exploring the spectacular Rhineland following #btconf Düsseldorf 🇩🇪🇪🇺
Back after a long awaited, much needed trip abroad to remind me why the EU is such a great place to visit and live in, exploring the spectacular Rhineland following #btconf Düsseldorf 🇩🇪🇪🇺
First in-person and online IndieWebCamp since the situation tomorrow from 10am-15:15pm CET at Neue Zentralbibliothek Düsseldorf — who's coming along? https://events.indieweb.org/2021/11/indiewebcamp-d%C3%BCsseldorf-Z6z8DpkikdxI
All too soon #btconf DUS 2021 is over! Thankful to @marcthiele and everyone who helped organise in the midst of uncertainty, stress and challenges from a global pandemic. Had doubts I’d be able to attend, so grateful I could!
Pre #btconf cycling in Düsseldorf, adjusting to the considerably slower speed of city rental bicycles vs. my Canyon racer
Eight hours wearing a mask to Düsseldorf for #btConf without leaving ground but totally worth it #TrainsNotPlanes
Autumnal Sunday meandering the quiet countryside lanes of Battle, reluctantly welcoming in shorter days and fewer hours to enjoy the outdoors in full daylight
Vegan Pad Thai 🇹🇭🌱
Socially distanced by 50 km, but enjoying the splendid talks of #SotB2021 livestream and @dletorey's iconic headwear in full 1080p!
Pondering whether @slackhq should have an option to disable emoji reactions on specific channels, such as a work sickness channel where some employees receive more reactions than others after posting their absence 🤔
The joys of cycling: overtaking a mile-long tailback of fuel hungry cars!
📣 Back from our summer pause: next Wednesday from 7pm (UK time) it's Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
📺 Join us on Zoom for chat and demos of personal websites, blogs, projects and more! https://events.indieweb.org/2021/09/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-2TqCxtNPKsKg #IndieWeb
🎾 Played tennis for the first time in almost twenty years.
Satisfied, I managed to hit the ball with the racket more than once!
Admittedly, one of the shots left the court and almost took out an ice cream van's window
Finally it's on the iPlayer! Catching up on Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony ..it's going to be a long night 😴
💉 Pfizer dose 1 - fine but tender arm 💪🏻
💉 Pfizer dose 2 - tender arm plus drained 💪🏻🥱
Took a long needed trip away from home last week with some unexpected warmth and sunshine on the Costa del Swansea
Where once @EurostarUK whisked us away from the middle of Kent to grand European cities, green foliage now encroaches upon empty platforms at Ashford International station, in doubt whether they'll ever be used again
Lentil mixed bean chili with guac and oat fraiche
📣 Tomorrow from 7pm (UK time) it's Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
📺 Join us on Zoom for chat and demos of personal websites, blogs, projects and more! #IndieWeb https://events.indieweb.org/2021/05/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-5yxpuuPQ4JaA
Great British Cycleways 🇬🇧🚲
Miss this place and its people dearly ...we shall meet again @btconf Düsseldorf someday soon 🤲🏻