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  1. Web Accessibility Specialist - certified!

    Almost a year ago I set myself a challenge to attain certification as a Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS). This is a summary of how I prepared for the exam, and hopefully some motivation for others to learn more about web accessibility.

  2. 15 November 2017 05:11 GMT

    Late 90s secondary school IT classes consisted of one day a fortnight learning how to make a Word document on Windows 98 and one day a fortnight learning how to make a ClarisWorks document on Mac OS 8

  3. 15 May 2017 02:05 BST

    Good luck to all the #btconf speakers for tomorrow/Tuesday should be epic! Hope no one's presenting with Windows XP

  4. 08 October 2016 10:10 BST

    Resurrecting the Windows laptop after several months: several dozen updates later, 3/4 of the day gone and about ready to leave the house