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  1. 30 October 2020 05:10 GMT

    Berlin's Brandenburg Airport finally opens tomorrow. If only Iā€™d a conference like Accessibility Club, Beyond Tellerrand or IndieWebCamp happening to go there for šŸ¤” ..happier times

  2. IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019

    IndieWebCamp was back in Berlin again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.

  3. 04 May 2019 06:05 BST

    Excellent first day sessions at IndieWebCamp Berlin with some extra attendees including the awesome @sonniesedge!

  4. 02 May 2019 09:05 BST

    Attempting to purchase 4 Fahrten-Kurzstrecke the old way from an array of different kinds of transit ticket machine in Berlin reminds me why I normally just download the app / buy a smartcard when using public transport these days

  5. IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018

    Last weekend I was at IndieWebCamp Berlin not long after attending IndieWebCamp Nuremberg. Each event, whilst similar in format, takes on a slightly different dynamic, in my opinion, through the people that attend, the location and the topics discussed.