12 February 2020 11:02 GMT
Reasons I use Firefox as my primary browser: a quick glance at a website's source code in Firefox highlights red any broken markup, often the cause of many simple website layout bugs but often overlooked
19 August 2019
12 August 2019
Bookmark of Link sharing with a browser plugin by Max Böck -
14 June 2019
23 April 2019
Bookmark of Windows XP in your browser -
05 April 2019
Bookmark of Keyboard Navigation in Mac Browsers -
16 February 2019
12 November 2018
Three months into using Flexbox
A summary of my experiences and challenges in using Flexbox
Progressive Web Apps for museums
What can Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) do for museums? ..that’s what I’m intrigued to ask and discuss why they provide a great opportunity for museums to explore having to enhance the visitor experience onsite and back at home.
Learning React Day 1
First day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
Publishing weather in posts
How I added geolocation and live weather data linked to my posts
State of the Browser 3
Annual conference bringing together everyone who makes the web