Bookmark of Visualise data accessibly
IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019
IndieWebCamp was back in Brighton again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
18 March 2019
Bookmark of Myspace loses all content uploaded before 2016 -
04 February 2019
Bookmark of Building a simple data filtering app with Vue js -
25 December 2018
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018
Last weekend I was at IndieWebCamp Berlin not long after attending IndieWebCamp Nuremberg. Each event, whilst similar in format, takes on a slightly different dynamic, in my opinion, through the people that attend, the location and the topics discussed.
05 November 2018
Bookmark of Accessibility Cloud - data for accessible places -
International Image Interoperability Framework
A community driven framework to standardise the way image-based resources are shared and presented across the internet.
Linked Data
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
04 August 2018
Bookmark of Passing Data Between React Components -
15 May 2018 01:05 BST
.@azaroth42 discussing the usability of APIs and linked open usable data with empathy for developers. Fewer barriers to entry such as providing JSON datasets with clear documentation #EuropeanaTech
15 May 2018 09:05 BST
.@RubenVerborgh discussing data decentralization and ownership: creating greater innovation but having layered agreement for handling managed datasets #EuropeanaTech #indieweb
Site Deaths
Thoughts about what you can do to be prepared and mitigate the worst consequences of site deaths.
Learning React Day 2
Second day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
Getting started with Micropub
This month I've been adapting the PHP side of my website to allow brief posts to be created on my own site through IndieAuth
Publishing weather in posts
How I added geolocation and live weather data linked to my posts
31 January 2016 01:01 GMT
#BigBangData very busy today, looked quieter when @spenley visited. Nevertheless saw a lot more data than you could shake a USB stick at 😐
Taking part in the IndieWeb
Introducing the principles of IndieWeb and how you can take part through IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs
MW2014 - Museums and the Web 2014
My roundup of attending Museums and the Web 2014
Handheld 2013
Handheld Conf 2013 - where people spoke, sang and discussed handheld for the web.