20 November 2020 09:11 GMT
Using Firefox as the default browser in 2020 it's glaringly obvious to see how few developers/designers use or test websites in anything other than Chrome and other WebKit-based browsers (Sad face)
Using Firefox as the default browser in 2020 it's glaringly obvious to see how few developers/designers use or test websites in anything other than Chrome and other WebKit-based browsers (Sad face)
Mozilla's MDN and DevTools teams cut: it's a sad day for building and documenting the Web to be more open, accessible and diverse. A huge loss of skills and talent which we as a community need to help ensure isn't lost forever
Reasons I use Firefox as my primary browser: a quick glance at a website's source code in Firefox highlights red any broken markup, often the cause of many simple website layout bugs but often overlooked
Website devs/designers/testers: install axe's browser extension (for Firefox/Chrome/Android) / axe-cli and make sure you're testing for AND fixing accessibility issues on all of your web projects from start to finish https://www.deque.com/axe/
Great to see upcoming Firefox Fenix on mobile moves the address bar within thumb reach: to the bottom of the screen.
Added redundant markup to get round the long-running FOUC bug in Firefox for my website
With reference to @csswizardry adding <script> tag after your stylesheet <link>
Surprising how many websites it affects!
Annual conference bringing together everyone who makes the web