2022 In Review
Looking back over year filled with self-improvement, somewhat of a post-pandemic travel-binge, and big changes ahead.
End of year review 2021
A look back on a year filled with grimness but hope on the horizon for better times ahead.
12 January 2021
Bookmark of To grid or not to grid -
15 June 2020
09 January 2020
Bookmark of CSS Grid for Designers by Johna Mandel -
14 June 2019
11 June 2019
IndieWebCamp Berlin 2019
IndieWebCamp was back in Berlin again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
07 March 2019
Bookmark of Auto Hexagonal CSS Grid Layout -
19 December 2018
Three months into using Flexbox
A summary of my experiences and challenges in using Flexbox
15 July 2018
06 July 2018
Bookmark of Debunking Common IE Grid Misconceptions -
11 May 2018
17 March 2018 04:03 GMT
Freezing cold, bleak, windy, sleeting outside..
..staying indoors kind of day tweaking my homepage's feed layout with a CSS Grid overhaul thanks to the excellent @wesbos videos https://cssgrid.io -
Homebrew Website Club London Year 1
For the past twelve months I’ve been organising a meetup in London for people interested and committed to improving their own websites.
04 June 2017 09:06 BST
An introduction to CSS Grid by Charlotte Jackson http://www.lottejackson.com/learning/an-intro-to-css-grid
01 May 2017 12:05 BST
Great practical way to learn CSS Grid ! http://cssgridgarden.com by .@thomashpark