2022 In Review
Looking back over year filled with self-improvement, somewhat of a post-pandemic travel-binge, and big changes ahead.
End of year review 2021
A look back on a year filled with grimness but hope on the horizon for better times ahead.
20 February 2021
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01 January 2020 06:01 GMT
Doubled the blog writing workload this New Year's day and also a published a review detailing most of the things that went well and not so well for me over the past ten years – ✍️ My 2010s https://calumryan.com/blog/my-2010s/
01 January 2020 05:01 GMT
Happy New Year! – ✍️ My review of 2019 and looking ahead https://calumryan.com/blog/end-of-year-review-2019/
End of year review 2019
Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.
My 2010s
A decade-end review of my life to date seems almost too much to achieve in a digestible short read but here we go!"
06 October 2019 01:10 BST
Finally after five years I made it to the London Film Festival this weekend. I went to see the London première for Rialto (trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NKTbmqqINs) which is set in and around Dublin Port. Feeding into my Irish heritage, I'm inclined to watch pretty much anything filmed on location in Ireland. The director, Peter Mackie Burns, came along too for a Q&A afterward which made from some interesting insights into how the characters were cast and a strong focus on cinematography.
26 May 2019
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07 April 2019
Bookmark of Content Author Accessibility Preview plugin -
01 January 2019
Bookmark of 2018: A Smashing Year In Review -
01 January 2019 12:01 GMT
Happy New Year from that funny small island next to Europe 🎉Here's my end of 2018 review and hopes for 2019 post https://calumryan.com/blog/end-of-year-review-2018/
End of year review 2018
Approaching the end of 2018 I've been reflecting on a year filled with challenges and considering new opportunities professionally and personally.
Linked Data
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
06 January 2018 10:01 GMT
Better late than never: my 2017 in review. Happy New Year one and all 🎉 https://calumryan.com/blog/end-year-review-2017/
End year review 2017
A bit later than usual due to family-wide sickness over Christmas delaying the annual family get together here I am with my end of year review.
Usability Testing
Testing usability of a digital product takes on a wide variety of test types and feedback processes that I hope to elaborate on in this article. Designers, developers, product owners and anyone with a vested interested should all partake in this process, from defining the tests to measuring the success and failures of different usability testing.
28 September 2016 10:09 BST
Reviewing three years experience of #indieweb and my first Git push onboard an Amtrak! https://calumryan.com/blog/three-years-in-indieweb/