What is ATAG?
Diving into details of what Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines are about.
12 August 2020 01:08 BST
Mozilla's MDN and DevTools teams cut: it's a sad day for building and documenting the Web to be more open, accessible and diverse. A huge loss of skills and talent which we as a community need to help ensure isn't lost forever
Conducting a web accessibility audit
Auditing a website to measure how accessible it is takes on an extensive range of manual and automated tests to cover all aspects of usability.
14 January 2020
29 October 2019
Designing your first design system
In this article I look at what is a design system and what it should include, depending on your organisation and areas of expertise
06 September 2019
04 July 2019
17 March 2019
14 January 2019
17 December 2018
CSS processing and transformation
An overview looking at the variety of ways to process (or pre-process) CSS in 2018 from small-large scale websites.
15 August 2018
Usability Testing
Testing usability of a digital product takes on a wide variety of test types and feedback processes that I hope to elaborate on in this article. Designers, developers, product owners and anyone with a vested interested should all partake in this process, from defining the tests to measuring the success and failures of different usability testing.
26 May 2017 05:05 BST
What's New In DevTools (Chrome 60) https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/05/devtools-release-notes
One week, four technology events
I’ve just returned from Germany on a week-long marathon of events related to the Web industry.
Taking part in the IndieWeb
Introducing the principles of IndieWeb and how you can take part through IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs