End year review 2017
A bit later than usual due to family-wide sickness over Christmas delaying the annual family get together here I am with my end of year review.
A bit later than usual due to family-wide sickness over Christmas delaying the annual family get together here I am with my end of year review.
The IndieWeb Challenge is to collectively ship something IndieWeb-related every day of December, as described on the IndieWeb Wiki.
A useful ES6 function for converting an object into an array.
Testing usability of a digital product takes on a wide variety of test types and feedback processes that I hope to elaborate on in this article. Designers, developers, product owners and anyone with a vested interested should all partake in this process, from defining the tests to measuring the success and failures of different usability testing.
What can Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) do for museums? ..that’s what I’m intrigued to ask and discuss why they provide a great opportunity for museums to explore having to enhance the visitor experience onsite and back at home.
For the past twelve months I’ve been organising a meetup in London for people interested and committed to improving their own websites.
Second day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
First day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
I’ve just returned from Germany on a week-long marathon of events related to the Web industry.
Round-up of my one-day workshop evaluating technology with Jeremy Keith
With just two weeks to go until IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf I'm considering what things to work on whilst there
How I added the radio input type to forms in PyroCMS with the Contact plugin.
I've made some changes to the way I remove a post to preserve the permalink and give a more meaningful, user-friendly response.
This month I've been adapting the PHP side of my website to allow brief posts to be created on my own site through IndieAuth
Next month I'm running a short session at UX Camp Brighton introducing and discussing progressive web apps (PWAs).
This week I attended my first MuseumNext Tech event at the W.M. Blumental Academy which is part of the Jewish Museum in Berlin. The one-day conference brought together a broad network of museum professionals and digital specialists throughout Europe and possibly beyond.
My end of year review and what lies ahead
I've finally hacked together a simple interface to send out webmentions through my website.
A work in progress summary to date