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Two weeks on the West Coast

For the past two weeks I’ve been solo travelling about a selection of places on the West Coast in Canada and the USA. It’s been a great experience with almost wall to wall sunshine throughout!

Three years in learning about IndieWeb

A little over three years since I first learnt about the IndieWeb movement I’ve grown to understand and participate further in its purpose: to bring people together in developing their own websites and control the content they author.

DIBI 2016

A rich, diverse range of talks and people meeting together to talk designing great UI and UX for the web.

Solving Jekyll

Using the Jekyll configuration to stop server-side files getting cleared each time a new build is generated

Changing to HTTPS

Coinciding with this year’s domain renewal for my website I decided to acquire an SSL certificate for the first time to serve it over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).