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Weeknote 56

Extreme Summer returns, 6 months in Wimbledon, More dog sitting

Extreme Summer returns

Quite an unusual time for a heatwave to hit over the past week, which took me by surprise. At times quite unbearable in the heart of London where I spent some time with X visiting the Barbican on a guided tour. On Sunday, I managed to escape the heated pollution of London for a ride out in to the Surrey Hills with a local Columbian guy. He's recently helped me with some furniture installation at my new home.

6 months in Wimbledon

Over the weekend, I celebrated my first six-months living in Wimbledon with X and enjoyed a dinner of homemade tacos and fillings. It sure is hard to go back to shop-bought tacos after making your own! Reflecting on the past 6 months, I'm quite pleased with the progress of making my new home a place I feel reflects who I am and where I feel comfortable living in. I'll no doubt move again at some point in the not so distant future, but for now it will do nicely.

More dog sitting

I've been spending some more time looking after Pita the dog during working hours. The hot weather meant an energetic stroll was off the cards for Pita, so we stayed in the relative cool of the garden while I worked at her home. I'm still exploring possibilities of adopting my own dog later next year, which will certainly see some changes in my lifestyle I'm sure! Whilst I'm not overweight, I've felt recently that I'm not exercising enough compared to a year ago, so could certainly do with a few more motivations.