Weeknote 62
Return from Germany
At the beginning of the week, I spent the most part of a day travelling back home from Nuremberg by high-speed trains. The journey was smooth and pleasant travelling first class all the way via Frankfurt and Brussels. My planned 4-hour stopover in Brussels was very wet, but did provide opportunity for some shopping and to lounge about in my favourite café chain there, Exki.
Twelve hours after my departure, I reached home with a dry throat. Suspecting something didn't feel right, I did a lateral-flow test to check for Covid-19. The result: negative.
Return of the unwelcome guest
A couple of days after my return, I felt quite short of breath, with a tickling chest and very flu-ish. That morning, I did another lateral-flow result. The result: positive. I followed the official NHS advice to self-isolate for 5 days after a positive test result. I stayed off work for the rest of the week, not feeling great at all and just rested. This time round Covid's certainly hit me harder than my infection last year. Keeping myself cheered up over my week in isolation, I caught up on the latest series of MasterChef The Professionals, the new series, Julia Bradbury's Irish Journey, plus more from Steve Marsh's visit to Wales on YouTube.
Feeling well on the road to recovery now, albeit still testing positive, and grateful to all those reaching out to help me get through self-isolation.
Replies (1)
Sorry to hear about COVID, glad you're feeling a bit better now and hope it's gone soon ????