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Weeknote 84

New job

  • Returning to my weeknotes writing after a few weeks on pause
  • I've had quite an exhausting few weeks finishing up on a working in a team and project which I wasn't enjoying much.
  • Tuesday was my last day at dxw, so I went into the London office for leaving drinks with a few colleagues from my current and past teams there.
  • With that, I have big news that I joined GDS full-time last week as a Senior Accessibility Specialist. Hello Civil Service!
  • Whilst I'm sad to be leaving such a lovely bunch of folks at dxw, I am excited about having some significant change in my life and taking up a dedicated role in accessibility that I've aspired to for many years.
  • So far just easing in to the role with lots of induction meetings and Civil Service docs to read through.
  • At the weekend I joined Mena for lunch in Camden and a relaxing stroll along the Regents Canal to Paddington.
  • Unfortunately, I'm suffering a little lower-back pain from riding my new racer bike which I've been out on for a few medium-distance rides so far.
  • I'm hopeful a professional bike-fit next weekend might help answer whether a simple height adjustment is needed or, worst-case scenario, selling and replacing it with a bike that's less aggressive in design 😒.
  • Happy to see Tour de France back on TV this weekend as it rolled out of beautiful Florence and then into Bologna on Sunday.
  • With the UK general election next week, I'm mildly optimistic of some more positive changes on the horizon 🀞🏻. I'm for the first time in my adult life living in a marginal constituency, so hopefully my vote will make a difference!


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  1. Author of reply: Calum Ryan Calum Ryan

    @accudio thanks!

  2. Author of reply: Barry Frost Barry Frost

    Congratulations, Calum. The new job sounds perfect for you. Good luck!

  3. Author of reply: Eat This Podcast Eat This Podcast

    @calumryan Hope you get the bike issue sorted.

  4. Author of reply: James (Taylor's Version) James (Taylor's Version)

    @calumryan Congratulations, Calum! I am so happy for you!