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Weeknote 92

Weekend conference, Cycling, Film premiere

  • Once again my building management company are requesting additional fees for backdated charges for maintenance fees years before I moved here. Time again to write to my local MP and persist with claiming reimbursement for these unlawful payment demands.
  • On Thursday I was lucky enough to nab a ticket for a Sigma Sports' Café Rides video premiere at Kingston's Curzon cinema. Matt Stephens and David O'Doherty were both in attendance to watch and stayed for an entertaining Q&A after, plus a concluding funny song by David on his keyboard.
  • Saturday saw the return of State of the Browser conference in London's Barbican. Loved the talks and meeting up with web folks from all round the country and beyond. I joined Jeremy and Hidde for a quick Vietnamese lunch at nearby Com Pho Restaurant. I tried my first bánh mì there which was small but delicious! Already I see Hidde has written up a great little round-up of the conference.
  • Sunday I was up early again to join some cycling friends at Putney to take the train to Windsor and then cycle to Wargrave's excellent Velolife cafe for coffee, pastries and cakes. It was a pleasant un-hilly 30-mile roundtrip, though unfortunately one of my friends suffered a mechanical issue on their bike's drive chain. Luckily he managed to cycle back to Windsor with us, albeit slowly.