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14 December 2017 09:12 GMT

Thank you Virgin Mobile UK for making Twitter data-free: helping the UK lead the way on throttling the internet in favour of corporate silos #NetNeutrality

04 December 2017 02:12 GMT

Declaring my kitchen as Irish territory bordering with the rest of my house that should remain in regulatory alignment with the EU. Meanwhile the garage outside can go on unregulated and free to form new trade deals with the rest of the World.

15 November 2017 05:11 GMT

Late 90s secondary school IT classes consisted of one day a fortnight learning how to make a Word document on Windows 98 and one day a fortnight learning how to make a ClarisWorks document on Mac OS 8

11 November 2017 10:11 GMT

Would be nice if @VirginTrains gave out a Wifi voucher for its customers who book via it's website as they already do on East Coast

10 November 2017 12:11 GMT

Make web performance part of the workflow for all involved on a project and that they're aware of the implications on page weight/load time for every page element/object. Great detailed talk by @addyosmani on #webperf at #ffconf