09 November 2017 07:11 GMT
Dear @Meetup https://lab.io/articles/2017/11/08/dear-meetup/
Dear @Meetup https://lab.io/articles/2017/11/08/dear-meetup/
MuseumNext Tech Berlin
An old airport turned into one of the world's biggest inner city parks
Drag racing Thameslink trains out of Gatwick
Depending on the centralized web of content silos to store, control and monitor your data as they please isn't necessarily a good thing for the open web in the long term. Join me and others supporting IndieWeb. Original post syndicated from https://calumryan.com #280characters
André Staltz: "What the Web will become under Google-Facebook-Amazon" https://staltz.com/the-web-began-dying-in-2014-heres-how.html
Super thanks to @jkphl @contentful for hosting a fantastic IndieWebCamp Berlin 👍👏
Indie Kreuzburger lunch
Managed to keep better sense of direction emerging from Berlin's subway compared to exiting London Underground's leviathan of passageways
Cool but no more storms, a few days exploring ahead of IndieWebCamp Berlin
Not an ounce of coffee at this Airbnb, tricked into drinking herbal tea labeled Nescafé, Happy halloween
Woke up still on BST briefly adjusted to GMT now on CET – feeling jet lagged
Slides from Introducing the IndieWeb movement session at #MozFest17 this morning https://calumryan.com/talks/mozfest17
Is there a future for the #Decentralized web? Discussing social media and the IndieWeb movement at #MozFest 28/10 http://bit.ly/2gY2LkE
Super turnout tonight and great discussion @HWCLondon
Updated details of all upcoming IndieWeb related events happening in London this month. Learn, discuss and do stuff! https://hwclondon.co.uk
Out meeting the @W3CAB tonight
Missing some white balance to capture this in its true light so upped the colour warmth #Ophelia
📢 RSVPs open to this week's Homebrew Website Club London
✏️ Register at https://hwclondon.co.uk/meetups/20171018
One final #roundpoundcoin crept back in my change today. Guess this one's going to charity