22 August 2017 11:08 BST
Join us tomorrow from 18:00 for Homebrew Website Club London https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/homebrew-website-club-london-registration-36950084698
Join us tomorrow from 18:00 for Homebrew Website Club London https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/homebrew-website-club-london-registration-36950084698
Ridiculous price increases with Virgin fibre, downgrading back to 100
Quick amateur attempt this evening at SVG animating the London Eye https://codepen.io/calumryan/pen/KvXBQY ..forgot rotate the capsules too!
Playing the has your site got a ServiceWorker? game on Great Western's feeble train Wifi (0.4 Mbps!)
HWC London back next week! Venue details + RSVP on our new website https://hwclondon.co.uk Follow @hwclondon #indieweb
Amassing a small collection of public transit smartcards inside the man drawer
How to hide unwanted tweets liked by others* https://calumryan.com/blog/cleanup-your-twitter-timeline/
Thanks @triblondon last night leading discussion on distributed & syndicated content https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/distributed-content/ #indieweb community take note
Thanks @triblondon last night leading discussion on distributed & syndicated content https://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/distributed-content/ #indieweb community take note
Great to see #TeamAUS athletes back in Tonbridge ahead of #London2017
déjà 5 years ago
It's W3C's Meet the TAG event in London this week so no #hwclondon this Wednesday. It's free but you must register https://ti.to/w3c-tag/meet-the-tag-london-july-2017
Peter O'Shaughnessy writes about a few goodies we can all benefit from in PWAs https://medium.com/samsung-internet-dev/heres-what-you-get-for-free-with-a-progressive-web-app-74b7ac5bdb3a
RIP toaster. Recommendations for a replacement high-powered, non-EU regulated toaster?
Woo! got ID'd at Waitrose for the first time since turning 30. #stillyoung
Non-stop lightning over South East England's skies tonight more epic than at a Glastonbury electronica concert
"LinkedIn is faster on our mobile app. Get it now."
Or how about .@LinkedIn you work on bettering your #webperf?
Original Homebrew Computer Club newsletter
Jekyll people: how do you setup bundle install on a post-receive hook?
Slides from my #PWA talk last night (first run) https://calumryan.com/talks/ie-pwa Thanks to the super venue @TheHouseTW and #iemeetup organisers