06 July 2017 10:07 BST
Heads up, new location for HWC London next week details + RSVP: https://hwclondon.co.uk #indieweb cc: @justinavery @loopdouble @hotzeplotz
Heads up, new location for HWC London next week details + RSVP: https://hwclondon.co.uk #indieweb cc: @justinavery @loopdouble @hotzeplotz
Join me to discuss Progressive Web Apps next week in Tunbridge Wells https://internetexplorers.yoyodesign.com/events/javascript-typescript-pwas #PWA
Summer evening Friday drinks @FireStationTN
Homebrew Website Club London Year 1 and #indieweb matters https://calumryan.com/blog/homebrew-website-club-london-year-1/
Unfortunately tonight's HWC London is cancelled but will be back next month celebrating our 1 year anniversary! #indieweb
Taking back control of EU citizenship
Rode to Rye
Test to Twitter via Bridgy #3
Test to Twitter via Bridgy #2
Test to Twitter via Bridgy #1
Helpful new Chrome v59 feature for CSS and JS code coverage to find how much unused code is loaded 👏🏻 @ChromiumDev
Portable chargers recommendations?
Back @skillsmatter 4 years on at their new venue getting acquainted with React @ReactLondon_
Post IndieWebCamp strolling through Nuremberg
Tonbridge Food Festival
@inktrapdesign 4th Birthday
How many channels does that dish get?
No thanks @Facebook would rather have a #PWA versus 80 megabytes taking up my phone's dwindling storage
Strange load time delay/freeze for @Twitter Lite PWA following redesign, removed and replaced on home screen to resolve