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10 September 2020 10:09 BST

Dearly miss meetups like @LondonCSS and seeing everyone irl ..but all credit to everyone keeping them going in some form online through this very tough and challenging period in all our lives

28 August 2020 07:08 BST

Time to renew my tariff and stop paying for a dirty electricity provider. Nudge ..send me your reccomendations for clean electricity providers + refer a friend codes ;)

12 August 2020 01:08 BST

Mozilla's MDN and DevTools teams cut: it's a sad day for building and documenting the Web to be more open, accessible and diverse. A huge loss of skills and talent which we as a community need to help ensure isn't lost forever

30 July 2020 07:07 BST

Wearing a face covering in supermarkets taking many years off my appearance ..without fail now being asked for ID when buying alcohol on every visit

16 July 2020 09:07 BST

Ah the fresh plentiful smell of carbon monoxide in the morning. Pre-covid levels of traffic on Tonbridge High Street this morning. Double troubles with A21 incident closure and roadworks

Heavy traffic on Tonbridge High Street.

15 July 2020 08:07 BST

Reminder: scoring 100 for accessibility with the Lighthouse automated tool doesn't necessarily mean your website is fully accessible and compliant with WCAG 2.1. Test manually and with people who have different disabilities. Repeat often.

Lighthouse audit tool showing 100 Accessibility

09 July 2020 09:07 BST

Since fancy, glam website showcases are still a trend I'm planning to create one specifically for the most accessible websites out there. Think you've a fully accessible, WCAG 2.1 compliant website then send it my way...

04 July 2020 02:07 BST

Much needed first trim and shave since Feb. No PPE being worn at the barbers, some not even wearing masks and every seat filled beyond their own limit of four customers at a time

01 July 2020 08:07 BST

Fun evening at Homebrew Website Club Europe/London online discussing personal websites with @ohhelloana @t and @w3bk3rn3l

Participants at Homebrew Website Club Europe/London

01 June 2020 01:06 BST

🎂 Sun, cycling and café latte by the Medway. A simple but satisfactory way to celebrate my first social distanced birthday

River Medway at Tonbridge and café latte