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23 December 2020 05:12 GMT

This afternoon's Covid-19 Christmas holiday activities included reinstating the display of current weather conditions where I am on short-form posts

07 December 2020 12:12 GMT

No doubting Apple puts a lot of effort into building accessible products but sadly for its website there's a few too many easy-fix accessibility WCAG conformance issues for me to consider showcasing on A11Y Websites #a11y #accessibility

20 November 2020 09:11 GMT

Using Firefox as the default browser in 2020 it's glaringly obvious to see how few developers/designers use or test websites in anything other than Chrome and other WebKit-based browsers (Sad face)

30 October 2020 05:10 GMT

Berlin's Brandenburg Airport finally opens tomorrow. If only Iā€™d a conference like Accessibility Club, Beyond Tellerrand or IndieWebCamp happening to go there for šŸ¤” ..happier times

24 October 2020 07:10 BST

šŸ“£ Reminder: I'm making a new website, curating a list of accessible websites which meet the latest WCAG 2.1 success criteria to level AA or above. Think yours does? ..then reply or DM me the address for me to test it out!

05 October 2020 03:10 BST

Enable accessibility as an option? Is this really the best approach for making an accessible website in 2020 @wagamama_uk #a11y

screenshot of Wagamama UK website with button to enable accessibility