Weeknote 73
One year in Wimbledon and a long weekend in Brighton
One year in Wimbledon and a long weekend in Brighton
Cooking, dConstruct, London Bridge down
Somehow always missed previous @dconstruct events, so excited to be attending my first next month!
Brighton darling, it's good to be back after three years!
This month marks five years since I started organising Homebrew Website Club London. I spent some time looking back over how it all started and survives to this day, even through the challenges of a global pandemic.
Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.
A decade-end review of my life to date seems almost too much to achieve in a digestible short read but here we go!"
Today I'm at IndieWebCamp Brighton hack day ..so prepare for some random, meaningless test posts from my website as I stray from my main front-end capabilities and attempt to make significant live changes to my CMS back-end
IndieWebCamp was back in Brighton again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
🛏 IndieWeb followers: who's going to IndieWebCamp Brighton next month, looking to share an Airbnb?
📢 Heads up to all those interested in open web services, software, and technologies to empower yourself, IndieWeb and BarCamp events: IndieWebCamp Brighton is returning this October 19th-20th and registration is now open! ✏️ https://indieweb.org/2019/Brighton
Brighton before the crowds arrive
Next month I'm running a short session at UX Camp Brighton introducing and discussing progressive web apps (PWAs).
A little over three years since I first learnt about the IndieWeb movement I’ve grown to understand and participate further in its purpose: to bring people together in developing their own websites and control the content they author.
Today I made it down to Brighton for Summer Homebrew Website Club Sprint along with taking in the carnival atmosphere of Brighton Pride.