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  1. Five years of HWC London

    This month marks five years since I started organising Homebrew Website Club London. I spent some time looking back over how it all started and survives to this day, even through the challenges of a global pandemic.

  2. End of year review 2019

    Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.

  3. My 2010s

    A decade-end review of my life to date seems almost too much to achieve in a digestible short read but here we go!"

  4. 20 October 2019 12:10 BST

    Today I'm at IndieWebCamp Brighton hack day prepare for some random, meaningless test posts from my website as I stray from my main front-end capabilities and attempt to make significant live changes to my CMS back-end

    People inside hacking at 68 Middle Street for IndieWebCamp Brighton 2019
  5. Three years in learning about IndieWeb

    A little over three years since I first learnt about the IndieWeb movement I’ve grown to understand and participate further in its purpose: to bring people together in developing their own websites and control the content they author.