Weeknote 70
Spring in the air
Spring in the air
Hiking, London's best pizza, Sports and Classique
Internet finally!, Spring outdoors, Work anniversary and more
Looking back over year filled with self-improvement, somewhat of a post-pandemic travel-binge, and big changes ahead.
Estate agent woes, personal reflections and goodbye HWC
Trying to be more positive on the outside
A look back on a year filled with grimness but hope on the horizon for better times ahead.
Bank holiday hike through bluebells on the Surrey North Downs
Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.
A decade-end review of my life to date seems almost too much to achieve in a digestible short read but here we go!"
This year I finally got around to making my first trip to Asia.
Spring sunset from the lounge #nofilter
Organising @tonbridgeweb first Spring event next Wednesday. All the details and tickets (free) here http://tonbridgeweb.com