Weeknote 16 🇵🇹
Last minute booking to Porto and Lisbon
Last minute booking to Porto and Lisbon
What's included in the operable category of WCAG 2.1
What's included in the perceivable category of WCAG 2.1
IndieWebCamp was back in Berlin again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
Approaching the end of 2018 I've been reflecting on a year filled with challenges and considering new opportunities professionally and personally.
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
An overview looking at the variety of ways to process (or pre-process) CSS in 2018 from small-large scale websites.
Second day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
First day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
This month I've been adapting the PHP side of my website to allow brief posts to be created on my own site through IndieAuth
A work in progress summary to date
In this second article I’ll briefly explore how applying a user-stories based approach to projects provides a much more effective way to manage and deliver websites.
Introducing the principles of IndieWeb and how you can take part through IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs
Handheld Conf 2013 - where people spoke, sang and discussed handheld for the web.
Architecture exhibition at the Burlington Academy
Multi-Mania is a free Belgian conference done almost entirely in English; in a league that isn't far off the mega-sized technology conferences which California plays host to.
Annual conference bringing together everyone who makes the web