What is ATAG?
Diving into details of what Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines are about.
Diving into details of what Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines are about.
What's included in the perceivable category of WCAG 2.1
With the climate crisis in mind recently I've been looking at what environmental impact my website has.
IndieWebCamp was back in Brighton again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
IndieWebCamp was back in Berlin again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
A community driven framework to standardise the way image-based resources are shared and presented across the internet.
This month I've been adapting the PHP side of my website to allow brief posts to be created on my own site through IndieAuth
How I added geolocation and live weather data linked to my posts
Using the Jekyll configuration to stop server-side files getting cleared each time a new build is generated
Introducing the principles of IndieWeb and how you can take part through IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs
Multi-Mania is a free Belgian conference done almost entirely in English; in a league that isn't far off the mega-sized technology conferences which California plays host to.