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  1. My typical day

    In my first ever invitation to a blogging chain I've been asked to write about some typical things in my daily life.

  2. IndieWebCamp Berlin 2018

    Last weekend I was at IndieWebCamp Berlin not long after attending IndieWebCamp Nuremberg. Each event, whilst similar in format, takes on a slightly different dynamic, in my opinion, through the people that attend, the location and the topics discussed.

  3. 22 October 2018 02:10 BST

    Lazy last day in Nuremberg winding down offline from another informative, productive and exciting weekend at IndieWebCamp.
    Thanks to all that joined in and @jkphl @tollwerk for hosting and organising!

  4. 20 October 2018 01:10 BST

    Offline as a service session at IndieWebCamp Nuremberg – Inspired by @adactio's Going Offline @jkphl + @nice2meatu help @aaronpk live coding a ServiceWorker setup in under 20 mins!

  5. 27 June 2018 09:06 BST

    Another productive evening at Homebrew Website Club London – looking into offline updates with ServiceWorkers and helping out @ohhelloana get setup with Jekyll Webmention support

  6. Site Deaths

    Thoughts about what you can do to be prepared and mitigate the worst consequences of site deaths.

  7. Progressive Web Apps for museums

    What can Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) do for museums? ..that’s what I’m intrigued to ask and discuss why they provide a great opportunity for museums to explore having to enhance the visitor experience onsite and back at home.

  8. 21 March 2017

    Agree with this mainly but unsure of a native application solution. I would like to plan a discussion (maybe at a future IndieWebCamp) on emergence of Progressive Web Apps to further enhance the user experience on the web offline as much as online; with native app-like interaction, re-engagement with things like push notifications. All such things start to bring us much more inline with the merits you speak of in regard of popular silos.
  9. MuseumNext Tech 2017

    This week I attended my first MuseumNext Tech event at the W.M. Blumental Academy which is part of the Jewish Museum in Berlin. The one-day conference brought together a broad network of museum professionals and digital specialists throughout Europe and possibly beyond.