Part 2 of learning WCAG 2.1 - Operable
What's included in the operable category of WCAG 2.1
What's included in the operable category of WCAG 2.1
Auditing a website to measure how accessible it is takes on an extensive range of manual and automated tests to cover all aspects of usability.
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
CSS processing and transformation – the state of how we process our CSS in 2018
An overview looking at the variety of ways to process (or pre-process) CSS in 2018 from small-large scale websites.
Processing my thoughts, inspirations and observations into a written review on the people and contents of what was yet another amazing year of talks at #btconf Düsseldorf
Testing usability of a digital product takes on a wide variety of test types and feedback processes that I hope to elaborate on in this article. Designers, developers, product owners and anyone with a vested interested should all partake in this process, from defining the tests to measuring the success and failures of different usability testing.
First day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
This week I attended my first MuseumNext Tech event at the W.M. Blumental Academy which is part of the Jewish Museum in Berlin. The one-day conference brought together a broad network of museum professionals and digital specialists throughout Europe and possibly beyond.
How I added geolocation and live weather data linked to my posts
In this third article I’ll briefly explore the process of user role modelling to highlight specific ways that a website’s delivery can serve the needs of many different types of user in many different environments.
In this second article I’ll briefly explore how applying a user-stories based approach to projects provides a much more effective way to manage and deliver websites.
In this series of articles I’ll be looking at my current approach to project planning, estimating and delivery with reasoning why an agile planning and user-centered approach to web design and development is necessary.
Introducing the principles of IndieWeb and how you can take part through IndieWebCamps and Homebrew Website Clubs
Coinciding with this year’s domain renewal for my website I decided to acquire an SSL certificate for the first time to serve it over HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure).
Handheld Conf 2013 - where people spoke, sang and discussed handheld for the web.