02 January 2025 01:01 GMT
Good to be beside the sea and soaking up the first sunny day of 2025

Good to be beside the sea and soaking up the first sunny day of 2025
Arica and into Peru
Completos, Empanadas, Pastel de choclo
Some satisfying user research plus an epic sized weeknote of my Nordic adventures
First week in, more London eats, Beside the seaside
A look back on a year filled with grimness but hope on the horizon for better times ahead.
Approaching the end of 2019 I look back on a year filled with some happy distractions away from the unending misery in UK politics and the climate crisis.
This year I finally got around to making my first trip to Asia.
IndieWebCamp was back in Brighton again this month for a weekend of talks, discussion and making, along with a meeting for IndieWeb organisers the day before.
Searching through the back of the wardrobe for what to wear tomorrow. Think this one still just about fits me. #BCLXI
📢 Upcoming talk in the pipeline on website usability testing... what are your approaches and experiences with website usability testing/research, good and bad? Reply/message me your thoughts/experiences ✏️
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
Searching for/Hoping there's a @trello shortcut command to automatically attach a quote of the comment being replied to when you hit Reply beneath a comment inside cards..
For the past two weeks I’ve been solo travelling about a selection of places on the West Coast in Canada and the USA. It’s been a great experience with almost wall to wall sunshine throughout!