Weeknote 98
Visit to Manchester, Cycling accident
Visit to Manchester, Cycling accident
Fiestas Patrias, Comida!, Repainted room
Hackney comedy, Latin Oasis in London
Checked in at Empanadas Las Deliciosas
Wet and gloomy, TV audience, Three weeks to Christmas
Zoomed out, Dog borrowing, Naughties comedy revival
Almost a year ago I set myself a challenge to attain certification as a Web Accessibility Specialist (WAS). This is a summary of how I prepared for the exam, and hopefully some motivation for others to learn more about web accessibility.
What's included in the robust category of WCAG 2.1
Auditing a website to measure how accessible it is takes on an extensive range of manual and automated tests to cover all aspects of usability.
Checked in at nhow Studios
Last weekend I was at IndieWebCamp Berlin not long after attending IndieWebCamp Nuremberg. Each event, whilst similar in format, takes on a slightly different dynamic, in my opinion, through the people that attend, the location and the topics discussed.
Checked in at Elstree Studios. HIGNFY
Checked in at Rhein Kiosk
Continuing the progress towards Service Worker support in Safari for MacOS.
Hopefully coming soon in Safari for iOS as well..
First day in my learning log to understand and apply React into future personal and work-related Web projects.
I’ve just returned from Germany on a week-long marathon of events related to the Web industry.
This week I attended my first MuseumNext Tech event at the W.M. Blumental Academy which is part of the Jewish Museum in Berlin. The one-day conference brought together a broad network of museum professionals and digital specialists throughout Europe and possibly beyond.