Weeknote 37
Conveyancing chaos, Goodbye Tonbridge
Conveyancing chaos, Goodbye Tonbridge
What's included in the perceivable category of WCAG 2.1
Auditing a website to measure how accessible it is takes on an extensive range of manual and automated tests to cover all aspects of usability.
With the climate crisis in mind recently I've been looking at what environmental impact my website has.
A summary of my experiences and challenges in using Flexbox
Split view/shrinking window size has been a standard feature in all major desktop OS for many years ..yet too many websites (Gmail included) still don't really get this responsive web thing, relying on browser sniffing instead.
Scott Jehl's presentation on Accessibility in a Responsive World https://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/accessibility-funka.html
Good work on the new site! https://responsivedesign.is @ResWebDes
Next month I'm running a short session at UX Camp Brighton introducing and discussing progressive web apps (PWAs).
Frontend conference roundup from Copenhagen
My roundup of attending Museums and the Web 2014
Handheld Conf 2013 - where people spoke, sang and discussed handheld for the web.
Multi-Mania is a free Belgian conference done almost entirely in English; in a league that isn't far off the mega-sized technology conferences which California plays host to.
Annual conference bringing together everyone who makes the web
This was my first year at Multi-Mania and what a hugely popular and fantastic event it was: featuring all kinds of multimedia talks and workshops over two days with a broad range of top speakers from the creative industries and tech world.