Weeknote 77
Arica and into Peru
Weeknote 49
New role, Hablo un poco de español, Cycling season
Weeknote 48
Palace, Work reflections, Doggy daycare
Weeknote 26
London conferencing, Re-Tour de Ned, Back in Brum
Weeknote 24
Home move joys and stresses
Weeknote 17
Back in the office, heatwave and Grayson's Art Club
Weeknote 16 🇵🇹
Last minute booking to Porto and Lisbon
25 May 2021
Bookmark of Roman Empire trip planner -
What is ARIA?
What is WAI-ARIA and how does it enhance web accessibility?
04 April 2020 02:04 BST
Enjoying home visit to the Natural History Museum at https://artsandculture.withgoogle.com/naturalhistorymuseum/
17 October 2019
Linked Data
Introductory overview of the history behind Linked Data on the web and what standards exist to represent linked data today.
My second btconf Düsseldorf
I’m just back from an extended stay being a tourist in The Netherlands following Beyond Tellerrand conference (btconf) in Düsseldorf, Germany. As with last year the conference had a great atmosphere from start to finish and I’d a great time meeting up with those I’d first met last year or even before then as well as a few new faces.
JAMstack London Launch
Last night I attended the first JAMstack London meetup starting with talks from Jessica Parsons and Phil Hawksworth from Netlify.
Two weeks on the West Coast
For the past two weeks I’ve been solo travelling about a selection of places on the West Coast in Canada and the USA. It’s been a great experience with almost wall to wall sunshine throughout!
DIBI 2016
A rich, diverse range of talks and people meeting together to talk designing great UI and UX for the web.
State of the Browser 3
Annual conference bringing together everyone who makes the web